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Make your own palette

If you work with acrylics, you know that depending on the conditions in your environment, it can become dry very quickly on your palette.

When I was at sixth form, I had a Stay-Wet palette. I remember carrying it about on the bus and to and from lessons. It was a great little palette to keep my paints and mixes wet, so I could carry on from where I left off with my paintings. Fast forward to today, I have invested in a new one. However they don't come cheap. As I am trying to be more sustainable in my business, I have been researching ways not to keep wasting paint when it comes to teaching, but without it costing the earth.

With an adult group, I am trialing out a homemade stay-wet palette. So far it is working well.

Here is how to make one.


  • Grease proof / non-stick baking paper (I've got a biodegradable one)

  • Air tight food containers

  • Kitchen roll

  • Water

  • Scissors

  • Pencil

  • Ruler


1: Select whether you prefer to use the lid or the container for the palette.

2: Lay out a couple of sheets of kitchen roll in the part you wish to use.

3: Dampen the kitchen roll with water.

4: Measure the width and length of the inner part of the container using a ruler.

5: On grease proof paper, draw the measurements out and then cut out the shape,

6: Lay the grease proof on top of the damp kitchen roll.

7: Add you paint on top of the grease proof and use as a palette.

8: Remember to put the lid on when you are not using it.

9: When you have finished the paint, throw away the used grease proof and kitchen paper and replace when you need to use the palette again.

If you make one, let me know how you get on with it.


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